Professor Lorna Fox O'Mahony

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Lorna Fox O’Mahony is Professor of Law at Essex Law School. Her research focuses on the role of law in property problems, particularly in respect of land, housing and home. Her most recent work has developed Resilient Property Theory (RPT), a new theoretical and methodological approach to tackling contemporary property problems (with Prof Marc Roark). Listen to Marc and Lorna discuss RPT on the PropertyCon podcast: Current projects include applications of RPT to address current issues in housing, climate change, platform real estate and consumer protection. Lorna's work on the development of a legal concept of home laid the foundations for new approaches to the idea of home in law, including giving content to rights to housing and home. Her work has been published in leading peer-reviewed journals and she is author or editor of twelve books, including, Conceptualising Home: Theories, Laws and Policies (2006, Hart Publishing), which was awarded First Prize in the Society of Legal Scholars Birks Prizes for Outstanding Legal Scholarship (2007), and short-listed for the Socio-Legal Studies Association Book Prize (2008). The third edition of her student-facing book, 'Great Debates in Land Law' (with Dave Cowan and Neil Cobb) was published by Bloomsbury in 2023. Lorna interned at the United States District Court, Los Angeles, USA; has been a visiting scholar at Cornell Law School, Cornell University, USA; the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford, UK; the Institute of Advanced Study at the University of Western Australia; and Stellenbosch University, South Africa and is an Associate Visiting Researcher at the University of Pretoria. She has been a consultant to the Council of Mortgage Lenders (UK); the Office of Law Reform (NI); presented expert evidence on housing rights for inner-city tenants in Belfast ( and Dublin (; and to the Irish Housing Commission which has made recommendations for the reform of the Irish Constitution that incorporate the legal concept of home. Lorna is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She served as President of the Association of Law, Property and Society (2017-18) and as a Board member from 2009 to 2019, including two terms as Chair of the Board of Directors ( She was a Board member of Modern Studies in Property Law; editorial board member of Journal of Consumer Policy (; and is a global affiliate of the Vulnerability and the Human Condition initiative ( Lorna served as a representative of JASB (the Joint Academic Standards Board of the Law Society for England and Wales and the Bar Standards Board) and was a member of the Law sub-panel for REF 2014 (Research Excellence Framework). She was Executive Dean of the Faculty of Humanities from 2013 to 2017, and Deputy Vice-Chancellor from 2018 to 2024. Lorna was founding Chair of the Creative Colchester Partnership Board from 2014, co-Chair of the South East Creative Economy Network, and currently serves as a Trustee of the Mercury Theatre in Colchester. She is married to David and they have two sons.
LLB (Hons)
PFHEA Higher Education Academy,
University of Essex
Professor, Law, University of Essex (31/7/2013 - present)
Executive Dean, Humanities, University of Essex (31/7/2013 - 1/8/2017)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Designate, University of Essex (1/1/2018 - 31/7/2019)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Essex (2019 - 2024)
Other academic
Lecturer-Senior Lecturer-Reader-Professor, Durham Law School, Durham University (1/9/2003 - 31/7/2013)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Financial transactions and older people
Socio-legal analyses of property law
Legal concept of home
Squatters and adverse possession
Trusts of the family home
Law and the emotions
Creditor possession actions
Property theory
Current research
Lornas current research includes work on a range of projects related to equity release and financial services regulation as well as research and writing on the criminalisation of squatting and on propertys person.
Journal articles (36)
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Roark, ML., (2024). Resilient Cities and the Housing Trust. Arkansas Law Review. 76 (4), 713-769
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Roark, M., (2024). Operationalising Progressive Ideas about Property: Resilient Property, Scale and Systemic Compromise. Texas A&M Journal of Property Law. 10 (1), 39-80
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Akkermans, B., (2024). Resilient Property, Climate Change and the decision in Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v Switzerland. The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer. 2024 (4), 369-391
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Roark, M., (2023). Property as an Asset of Resilience: Rethinking Ownership, Communities and Exclusion through the Register of Resilience. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law. 36 (4), 1477-1507
Roark, ML. and Fox O'Mahony, L., (2023). Real Property Transactions in the Network Society: Platform Real Estate, Housing Hactivism, and the Re-scaling of Public and Private Power. Journal of Consumer Policy. 46 (4), 445-463
Roark, M. and Fox O'Mahony, L., (2022). Comparative Property Law and the Pandemic: Vulnerability Theory and Resilient Property in an Age of Crises. Louisiana Law Review. 82 (3), 789-856
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Walsh, R., (2018). Land Law, Property Ideologies and the British-Irish relationship. Common Law World Review. 47 (1), 7-34
Overton, L. and Fox O'Mahony, L., (2018). Stakeholder Conceptions of Later-Life Consumer Vulnerability in the Financial Services Industry: Beyond Financial Capability?. Journal of Consumer Policy. 41 (3), 273-295
Overton, L. and Fox O'Mahony, L., (2017). Understanding Attitudes to Paying for Care amongst Equity Release Consumers: citizenship, solidarity and the 'hardworking homeowner'. Journal of Social Policy. 46 (1), 49-67
Fox O'Mahony, L., Twigg-Flesner, C. and Akinbami, F., (2015). Conceptualizing the Consumer of Financial Services: a New Approach?. Journal of Consumer Policy. 38 (2), 111-117
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Overton, L., (2015). Releasing housing equity in later life: Markets, consumers and the role of the state. Law in Context. 33 (2), 115-141
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Overton, L., (2015). Asset-Based Welfare, Equity Release and the Meaning of the Owned Home. Housing Studies. 30 (3), 392-412
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2014). Property Outsiders and the Hidden Politics of Doctrinalism. Current Legal Problems. 67 (1), 409-445
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Overton, L., (2014). Financial Advice, Differentiated Consumers, and the Regulation of Equity-release Transactions. Journal of Law and Society. 41 (3), 446-469
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2013). Ageing, Difference and Discrimination: Property Transactions in the Crucible of Human Rights Norms. King's Law Journal. 24 (2), 202-236
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2013). The meaning of home: from theory to practice. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment. 5 (2), 156-171
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2011). Something old, something new, something borrowed: land law reform in Northern Ireland. Conveyancer and Property Lawyer. 75 (5), 356-379
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Sweeney, J., (2010). The exclusion of (failed) asylum seekers from housing and home : towards an oppositional discourse.. Journal of law and society.. 37 (2), 285-314
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2008). Re-possessing 'home' : a re-analysis of gender, home ownership and debtor default for feminist legal theory.. William & Mary journal of women and the law.. 14 (3), creators-Fox_O=27Mahony=3ALorna=3A=3A
Devenney, J., Fox O'Mahony, L. and Kenny, M., (2008). Standing surety in England and Wales : the sphinx of procedural protection.. Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly., 513-535
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Cobb, N., (2008). Taxonomies of Squatting: Unlawful Occupation in a New Legal Order. Modern Law Review. 71 (6), 878-911
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Devenney, J., (2008). Undue influence, the elderly and equity release schemes.. Elder law review.
Cobb, N. and Fox O'Mahony, L., (2007). Living outside the system : the (im)morality of urban squatting after the Land Registration Act 2002.. Legal studies.. 27 (2), 236-260
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2005). Creditors and the concept of 'family home' : a functional analysis.. Legal Studies. 25 (2), 201-227
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2005). The idea of home in law.. Home cultures.. 2 (1), 25-49
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2005). Property rights of cohabitees : the limits of legislative reform.. Irish journal of family law., 2-9
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2003). Reforming family property : comparisons, compromises and common dimensions.. Child and family law quarterly.. 15 (1), 1-20
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2002). The meaning of home : a chimerical concept or a legal challenge.. Journal of Law and Society. 29 (4), 580-610
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2002). Book review of 'Charity law in Northern Ireland' by K.O. Halloran and R. Cormacain, Dublin : RoundHall Sweet & Maxwell, 2001.. Northern Ireland legal quarterly.. 53, 347-350
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2002). Creditors and the family home : three perspectives on family property policy.. Irish journal of family law., 3-8
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2002). Family homes, conveyancing and pre-contract inquiries : pictures from these islands.. Conveyancing and property law journal.. 7 (1), 6-16
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2001). Co-ownership of matrimonial property : radical proposals for reform.. Northern Ireland legal quarterly.. 52, 20-53
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2000). Living in a policy state : from trust for sale to trust of land.. Liverpool Law Review. 22 (1), 59-88
Fox O'Mahony, L., (1999). Implied reservation of easements.. Conveyancer and property lawyer.. 63, 353-363
Fox O'Mahony, L., (1999). Receipt of rent and waiver of leasehold covenants : an equitable approach ?. Northern Ireland legal quarterly.. 50 (1), 140-152
Fox O'Mahony, L., (1998). Co-owners, not co-owners : legislative and judicial policy in relation to charging orders and co-ownership.. Cambrian law review.. 29 (1), 9-21
Books (11)
Cowan, D., Fox O'Mahony, L. and Cobb, N., (2023). Great Debates in Land Law (3rd edition). Bloomsbury. 9781509962754
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Roark, ML., (2022). Squatting and the State: Resilient Property in an Age of Crisis. Cambridge University Press. 9781108487740
Cowan, D., Fox O'Mahony, L. and Cobb, N., (2016). Great Debates in Land Law (Second edition). Palgrave Macmillan. 9781137481658
Fox O'Mahony, L., O'Mahony, D. and Hickey, R., (2014). Moral Rhetoric and the Criminalisation of Squatting: Vulnerable Demons?. Routledge Cavendish. 9780415740616
Smith, SJ., Elsinga, M., Eng, OS., Fox O'Mahony, L. and Wachter, S., (2012). International Encyclopaedia of Housing and Home. Elsevier. 978-0-08-047163-1
Cowan, D., Fox O'Mahony, L. and Cobb, N., (2012). Great Debates in Land Law.. Palgrave Macmillan. 9781137481658
Cowan, D., Fox O'Mahony, L. and Cobb, N., (2012). Great Debates in Property Law.. Palgrave Macmillan. 9780230278905
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2012). Home equity and ageing owners : between risk and regulation.. Hart Publishing. 9781849460071
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Sweeney, J., (2011). The idea of home in law : displacement and dispossession.. Ashgate. 9780754679479
Kenny, M., Devenney, J. and Fox O'Mahony, L., (2010). Unconscionability in European private financial transactions : protecting the vulnerable.. Cambridge University Press. 9780521190534
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2007). Conceptualising home : theories, laws and policies.. Hart Publishing. 9781841135793
Book chapters (27)
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Roark, M., (2024). Resilient Property Theory. In: Research Agenda on Property Law. Editors: Akkermans, B., . Edward Elgar. 77- 92. 978 1 80392 480 9
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Roark, M., (2024). Speculation, squatting and sustainability. In: Research Handbook on Property, Law and Theory. Editors: Bevan, C., . Edward Elgar. 377- 393. 978 1 80220 205 2
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Roark, M., (2024). Scaling property law. In: A Research Agenda For Property Law. Editors: Akkermans, B., . Edward Elgar. 93- 108. 9781803924809
Fox O'Mahony, L., Overton, L. and Gibson, M., (2018). The Emotional Dimension of Trading on Home in Later Life: Experiences of Shame, Guilt and Pride. In: Thinking Home Interdisciplinary Dialogues. Editors: Bahun, S. and Petric, B., . Bloomsbury Publishing. 153- 174. 1350062359. 9781350062351
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2018). Property, sharing and identity: Applying Andre van der Walt's theory of property and social justice in Northern Ireland. In: Transformative Property Law. Editors: Muller, G., Brits, R., Slade, B. and van Wyk, J., . Juta. 173- 201. 9781485128915
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2017). National and Provincial Building Society v Lynd and another. Editors: Enright, M., McCandless, J. and O'Donoghue, J., . Hart Publishing. 9781509908936
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2015). The Politics of Lloyd's Bank v Rosset [1991]. In: Landmark Cases in Property Law. Editors: Douglas, S., Hickey, R. and Waring, E., . Hart Publishing. 179- 204. 9781849466080
O'Mahony, LF., O'Mahony, D. and Hickey, R., (2015). Criminalising Squatting: Setting an Agenda. In: Moral Rhetoric and the Criminalisation of Squatting: Vulnerable Demons?. Editors: . Routledge. 1- 10. 9781317807940
Fox O'Mahony, L., O'Mahony, D. and Hickey, R., (2014). Criminalising Squatting: Setting an Agenda. In: Moral Rhetoric and the Criminalisation of Squatting: Vulnerable Demons?. Editors: Fox O'Mahony, L., O'Mahony, D. and Hickey, R., . Routledge Cavendish. 9780415740616
O'Mahony, D. and Fox O'Mahony, L., (2014). Crime as Property: a Restorative Perspective on the Criminalisation of squatting and the 'ownership' of unlawful occupation. In: Moral Rhetoric and the Criminalisation of Squatting: Vulnerable Demons?. Editors: Fox O'Mahony, L., O'Mahony, D. and Hickey, R., . Routledge Cavendish. 38- 63. 9780415740616
Fox O'Mahony, L., O'Mahony, D. and Hickey, R., (2014). Developing Critical Perspectives on the Criminalisation of Squatting. In: Moral Rhetoric and the Criminalisation of Squatting: Vulnerable Demons?. Editors: Fox O'Mahony, L., O'Mahony, D. and Hickey, R., . Routledge Cavendish. 978-0415740616
Fox O'Mahony, L., O'Mahony, D. and Hickey, R., (2014). Developing critical perspectives on the criminalisation of squatting. In: Moral Rhetoric and the Criminalisation of Squatting Vulnerable Demons?. Editors: Fox O'Mahony, L., O'Mahony, D. and Hickey, R., . Routledge. 9780415740616
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2012). Meanings of home.. In: International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. Editors: Smith, SJ., Elsinga, M., Fox O'Mahony, L., Ong, SE. and Wachter, S., . Elsevier. 231- 239. 9780080471631
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Sweeney, J., (2011). Rethinking responses to displacement and dispossession.. In: The idea of home in law : displacement and dispossession.. Editors: Fox O'Mahony, L. and Sweeney, J., . Ashgate. 211- 226. 9780754679479
Sweeney, J. and Fox O'Mahony, L., (2011). The displacement and dispossession of asylum seekers : recalibrating the legal perspective.. In: The idea of home in law : displacement and dispossession.. Editors: Sweeney, J. and Fox O'Mahony, L., . Ashgate. 101- 132. 9780754679479
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Sweeney, J., (2011). The idea of home in law : displacement and dispossession.. In: The idea of home in law : displacement and dispossession.. Editors: Fox O'Mahony, L. and Sweeney, J., . Ashgate. 1- 12. 9780754679479
Sweeney, JA. and O'Mahony, LF., (2011). The displacement and dispossession of asylum seekers: Recalibrating the legal perspective. In: The Idea of Home in Law: Displacement and Dispossession. 101- 132
O'Mahony, LF. and Sweeney, JA., (2011). Re-thinking responses to displacement and dispossession. In: The Idea of Home in Law: Displacement and Dispossession. 211- 226
O'Mahony, LF., (2011). Eviction and the public interest: The right to respect for home in english law. In: The Public Nature of Private Property. 89- 130
Fox O’Mahony, L., (2011). Meanings of Home. In: International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. 231- 239
Kenny, M., Devenney, J. and Fox O'Mahony, L., (2010). Introduction: Conceptualising unconscionability in Europe. In: Unconscionability in European private financial transactions : protecting the vulnerable.. Editors: Kenny, M., Devenney, J. and Fox O'Mahony, L., . Cambridge University Press. 1- 4. 9780521190534
Kenny, M., Devenney, J. and Fox O'Mahony, L., (2010). Conceptualising unconscionability in Europe : in the kaleidoscope of private and public law.. In: Unconscionability in European private financial transactions : protecting the vulnerable.. Editors: Kenny, M., Devenney, J. and Fox O'Mahony, L., . Cambridge University Press. 377- 399. 9780521190534
Fox O'Mahony, L., Devenney, J. and Kenny, M., (2010). England and Wales.. In: Regulating unfair banking practices in Europe : the case of personal suretyships.. Editors: Ciacchi, AC. and Weatherill, S., . Oxford University Press. 141- 178. 9780199594559
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2010). Eviction and the public interest : the right to respect for home in English law.. In: The public nature of private property.. Editors: Diamond, M. and Paul Malloy, R., . Ashgate Publishing. 89- 132. 9780754679516
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2009). Homeownership, debt and default : the affective value of home and the challenge of affordability.. In: Affordable housing and public/private partnerships.. Editors: Davidson, NM. and Paul Malloy, R., . Ashgate. 169- 205. 9780754677208
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Devenney, J., (2009). The elderly, their homes and the unconscionable bargain doctrine.. In: Modern studies in property law.. Editors: Dixon, M., . Hart Publishing. 265- 288. 9781841139609
Fox O'Mahony, L., (2008). Repossessing 'Home' : a re-analysis of gender, homeownership and debtor default for feminist legal theory.. In: Women and the law.. Thomson West. 423- 494
Reports and Papers (1)
Overton, L. and Fox O'Mahony, L., (2015). Consumer Demand for Retirement Borrowing
Other (1)
Fox O'Mahony, L. and Overton, L., (2015).The Future of the UK Equity Release Market: Consumer Insights and Stakeholder Perspectives,University of Essex
Grants and funding
Customer demand for retirement borrowing
The Council of Mortgage Lenders
Mind the (Housing) Gap: Intergenerational justice and family welfare
Leverhulme Trust